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    Flinks Järn
    A shop in a densely built-up area

    After 25 years at the same address, Flinks Järn’s tenancy was terminated at its premises in Kungsholmen, Stockholm. That’s when TEA was hired to build new premises in the neighbouring area, where 2 500 m2 of retail space needed to be squeezed into an already densely built-up area.

    The new shop was created by building over a courtyard area that joined together the frontages of the surrounding buildings dating from the 40s, 50s and 80s. Due to the increasing density of the neighbourhood, with expansive construction of new homes, parking spaces for the shop’s customers were provided via a ramp up to a car park on top of the premises.

    A large glass-fronted entrance solved logistics and goods delivery needs, despite the limited space. In 2011 the premises at Lindhagensgatan 133 were complete.

    Stockholm, 2011.