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    Bågar & Glas
    Store design in focus

    Bågar & Glas is a Swedish optician that started operations in 1982. Since the very beginning its vision has always been to sell individual and attractive glasses to customers who dare to stand out.

    In 2009, when they moved the store to new premises on Norrlandsgatan 7 in Stockholm, it was TEA who helped with refurbishing the interior of the store. As Bågar & Glas sell glasses that are just as much an accessory as a visual aid, TEA created a concept that centred on the product.

    The retail space was optimized to give the products the greatest exposure, with specially designed backlit display units to show off the glasses and accompanying drawers with glass tops. Glossy white surfaces accentuated with a red-orange varnish, frosted opal glass and musty walnut tones were other components in the solution that TEA delivered.

    Stockholm, 2009.