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    Stadsbibliotek Aspudden
    Beautifully peaceful among books

    TEA was hired by The City of Stockholm Department of Culture to re-build and do the interior design of the local library in Aspudden, just south of Stockholm. The challenge was to create a larger and more attractive space for visitors in the existing premises, as well as bring about a calmer atmosphere for study areas. Shaping a new children’s department based on a model by the artist Kristofer Sjöström was also part of the mission.

    In June 2013 TEA started the implementation of a new floor layout in which personnel and library areas switched places, and information desks were located more centrally. A new porch was constructed at the original site, and the interior was painted in warmer colours to better match the building’s bright yellow colour. Wall-mounted bookshelves were specially designed to further emphasise the architecture of the building, as well as mobile shelves for flexibility in projects and programmes.

    When the new improved local library was re-opened in January 2014, contact with the environment was better, space for visitors had been increased, and the workplace environment for personnel was calmer.

    Stockholm, 2014.