Segeltorps Orangeri
A home for growing and socialising
For BRABO, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mattssons Fastighetsutveckling (real estate), TEA has designed four apartment buildings in Segeltorp, Huddinge, just south of Stockholm.
Previously, TEA had been hired by the same client to design the Varpen apartment buildings in the same area. BRABO now wanted to build four properties housing as many apartments as the space allowed.
TEA’s solution was four white multi-storey apartment blocks accommodating a total of 42 apartments on three floors, with a retracted fourth floor on top. This design was chosen so that the properties would naturally harmonise with the two-story buildings to the south and Varpen’s four-storey buildings to the north. The properties were placed separately on the land to create a feeling of space and openness.
Segeltorp Orangeri received its name from the blossoming conservatory in the grounds where residents can enjoy the relaxing surroundings year-round, and grow shared plants together.
The building was ready for tenants in 2013.
Huddinge, 2013.