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    Villa Älgö
    Summer home in a genuine archipelago setting

    On Älgö island in the southern part of Stockholm’s archipelago, next to the picturesque Baggesfjärden bay, there’s a private summer home designed by TEA that naturally melts into the surrounding environment with outstanding views.

    The starting points, and challenges for the project included a steep cliff to the north, the open bay to the southwest, a large tree to the northeast and a rhododendron bush that was to be preserved.

    The customer was clear that the view of the bay was very important, as was a workshop for painting and accessible entrances for all weathers. TEA created an interior that provides open areas for socialising, but also spaces for private life. Due to its red exterior, the house blends in well with the surrounding older houses that were already painted in the classic Falu red colour.

    The summer home was completed in 2006 and has received acclamation in the form of a nomination for the prestigious Rödfärgspriset award in 2012.

    Älgö, 2008.